Standard C-3: Digital age learning environments
Indicators Addressed:
b., d., e. and f.
b. Maintain and manage a variety of digital tools and resources for teacher and student use in technology-rich learning environments
d. Select, evaluate, and facilitate the use of adaptive and assistive technologies to support student learning
e. Troubleshoot basic software, hardware, and connectivity problems common in digital learning environments
f. Collaborate with teachers and administrators to select and evaluate digital tools and resources that enhance teaching and learning and are compatible with the school technology infrastructure g. Use digital communication and collaboration tools to communicate locally and globally with students, parents, peers, and the larger community
The Artifact:
To be an effective coach, one needs to constantly update their knowledge of the availability and quality of the digital tools available. This is a constantly evolving field. In my first sample, I am including an in-depth critique of the efficacy and utility of the tutorials for learning how to use OneNote by Microsoft, a CMS for students. Also included is an evaluation of the usability of HopScotch, a tool for learning the basic elements of programming. Both of these were prepared collaboratively with colleagues from this program and were shared via Twitter. Doing these critiques better informs me of tools available and enhances my knowledge of what makes an effective tool.
Also included is a tutorial I created with colleague for an art teacher who was doing a unit in Silk-screening T-Shirts, and needed a blended tool whereby her students could independently review and practice basic knowledge for class. This tutorial was designed using the rules for an effective tutorial from the previous example. She is actively using this tutorial in her art classes, impacting the education of approximately 180 students per semester. I can use this as a model to assist teachers in the future in creating interactive tutorials. This tutorial also makes use of Google Forms to create a final quiz to test the knowledge the student leaned. With the use of the on-line tool Flubaroo, can be evaluated and analyzed for the teacher, allowing for more streamlined assessment of student learning.
Finally I have included a link to my twitter account. I have built a network of over 100 coaching professionals I can potentially collaborate with to find solutions to blended learning challenges in the future. I will actively grow this network as I continue as an ISTE coach, increasing its value.